Why Carry Crayon When Traveling?

Why Carry Crayon When Traveling?

A Fun Way to Express Yourself

When traveling, having a crayon or two in your pocket or bag can be a great way to express yourself. Crayons are a fun and creative way to express your feelings or make a statement. Whether you’re drawing a picture, writing a note, or doodling a design, crayons can provide a playful outlet for your creative energy.

Middle of the Road Quality

Crayons are usually a mid-level product in terms of quality. They’re not as cheap as pencils, but they’re also not as expensive as markers. This makes them a great choice for travelers on a budget who want a little more color in their artwork. And if you want to add a bit of color to your travel journal, crayons are a great way to do it without breaking the bank.

A Non-Messy Option

When traveling, it’s important to keep your belongings neat and tidy. Crayons are a great option for this because they don’t leave behind a mess. Unlike pens and markers, crayons don’t need to be put away in a special container or wiped off the page before traveling. Instead, all you have to do is close the container and throw it in your bag.

Easy to Take Along

Crayons are also incredibly easy to take along when traveling. They’re small and compact, so they won’t take up much space in your bag. Plus, they’re lightweight, so they won’t add a lot of extra weight to your luggage. And best of all, they don’t require any special care or attention while you’re on the go.

A Great Way to Relax

Traveling can be stressful, so having a few crayons in your bag can be a great way to relax and unwind. Drawing, coloring, or writing with crayons can be a great way to take your mind off the stress of travel and just have some fun.

The Bottom Line

Crayons are a great way to express yourself and add a bit of color to your travels. They’re budget-friendly, non-messy, easy to take along, and a great way to relax. So if you’re looking for a fun and creative way to express yourself on the go, why not carry a crayon or two when you travel?


Crayons are an excellent tool for travelers. They are lightweight, affordable, and non-messy. Plus, they provide a great way to express yourself and relax during your travels. So next time you’re packing for a trip, don’t forget to include a few crayons in your bag!